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21 May 20191st-3rd February “Fe.L.P.”- Literatures Festival of Policoro- first edidion- 2019
The first edition, in 2019, will be dedicated to the literary genre “Giallo” and it will have as subtitle: “Righe tempestose- Mediterraneo in Giallo”.
Fe.L.P. is the acronym of Literatures Festival of Policoro (MT), it will take place at annual frequency and it will develop for three days in the month of February, in a way to promote the city in the wintertime.
For this first edition the programme is rich:
1st February 2019
09.00 – I.C.S. “Giovanni Paolo II”
Workshops with the students of the first year of secondary school with the writers:
Maria Teresa Valle and Rocco Ballacchino
11.00 – I.C.S. “Don L. Milani”
Workshops with the students of the first year of secondary school with the writers:
Maria Teresa Valle and Rocco Ballacchino
16.00 – Fahrenheit451 Caffé Letterario
Inauguration of the 1st edition of Fe.L.P. “Novel in Progress” with Alessandro Maurizi
17.00 – Biblioteca Comunale
Meeting with Mariolina Venezia:
La Matera di Imma Tataranni
18.30 – Biblioteca Comunale
La Lucania e il “giallo”!
Meeting with the writers:
Raffaele Marra, Luigi Pipitone, Antonio Orlando, Pasquale Rimoli
21.00 – Restaurant “La Corte dei Basiliani” – Policoro (MT)
Murder mystery dinner
2nd February 2019
11.30 – Biblioteca Comunale
“Giallo” and the teenagers. An example to be promoted: I Frillini!
Round table with:
Carlo Frilli of the Fratelli Frilli Editori, Maria Teresa Valle and Rocco Ballacchino authors of “I Frillini”;
Institutional authorities will partecipate.
17.00 – Biblioteca Comunale
Meeting with Francesco Serafino:
Delitti e segreti a Matera e provincia
18.00 – Biblioteca Comunale
Meeting with the writers
Piera Carlomagno and Gabrtiella Genisi
Annaluce Savino e Lolita Lobosco due “toste” a confronto!
19.30 – Biblioteca Comunale
Meeting with the screenwriter/writer Biagio Proietti: a happy visionary
21.00 – Fahrenheit451 Caffé Letterario
Music and Literature: a warm encounter.
Concert of Tatiana Tarsia
3rd February 2019
10.30 – Biblioteca Comunale
Round Table:
“La fortuna del Giallo Italiano e il ruolo dei festival di genere”
Carlo Frilli
-fratelli Frilli Editori-
Paolo Mirti
-artistic director pf the festival of Senigallia “Ventimilarighesottoimari in Giallo”–
Piera Carlomagno
-President SalerNoir Festival “le notti di Barliario”–
Sabrina De Bastiani
-editor “Thriller Nord”-
12.00 – Biblioteca Comunale
Meeting with Maurizio De Giovanni:
La Napoli di Luigi Alfredo Riccardi e Giuseppe Lojacono
Therefore a substantial presence of authors, editors, journalists, cultural entertainers, literature and giallo lovers:
“The “giallo” genre has already become the most efficient narration to tell the complexity of the world around us. The quality it has by now acquired, both in the literary and in the cinematographic field, doesn’t allow any more to relegate it in the restricted limits of a minor genre. Today, the “giallo” is something more and something different.”
These are the words of the Association from the website dedicated to the festival. And from this perspective they propose to initiate collaborations with other “Giallo” festivals present in Italy.
It is worth to underline that the idea of the festival was born thank to the experience of the Association “Presidio del libro-Magna Grecia”, active in the cultural entertainment field for several years, for the promotion of reading and books, as essential instruments for the cultural and civil growth.
In the event there will also be film screenings, literary prizes, book clubs.
For further information consult the website of Fe.L.P.
Traduzione letterale Giulia Amorotti – studentessa